Paperwork needed for enrollment packet includes: Immunization Records, Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, School Entrance Health Form (see link below).
Fees include: Registration Fee, Book Fee, and applicable Lab Fees.
See the Resources page for more information.
This form must be completed before you attend Tabernacle Baptist Academy.
Under the direction of Tabernacle Baptist Church Ministries, Tabernacle Baptist Academy is a community of teachers, diverse in many ways, dedicated to assisting parents in their God-given responsibility of educating their children by providing a high quality academic program that is biblically based and Christ-centered while challenging each student to reach his full potential by making Jesus Christ Lord of his life, by seeking His will and by striving to become productive citizens within their own community.
1. We believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Bible as the only rule for faith and practice.
2. We believe in God in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
3. We believe in the new birth in Christ alone and the eternal security of the believer.
4. We believe in the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection of Christ, and His bodily ascension into heaven wherein He now intercedes for believers.
5. We believe in the six days of creation.
6. We believe in the pre-tribulation rapture of all believers, the pre-millennial return, and millennial reign of the Lord Jesus Christ.
7. We believe in the two judgments—the Judgment Seat of Christ and the Great White Throne.
8. We believe in the reality of heaven and hell.
9. We believe in the local church as God’s autonomous institution of regenerate, immersed believers practicing the two ordinances—Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
10. We believe in two Scriptural offices—the pastor and deacon.
11. We believe that every believer is responsible to live a holy life and to practice separation both ecclesiastically and personally.
12. We believe that every believer should witness to others of the saving power of the gospel and carry out both at home and abroad the Great Commission.
13. We believe in the priesthood of individual believers, soul liberty, and the freedom to interpret the Bible individually.
14. We believe in the separation of church and state.
15. We believe that the process of inspiration ceased with the Autographa. The Textus Receptus is essentially the preserved Autographa and the Authorized Version is an accurate and trustworthy translation. Consequently, the Authorized Version is the Word of God in English and is the only version used from the pulpit.
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